The Wall of Light
“The Wall of Light” was a 10-day program of digital live painting and animation performances and workshops, lighting up the Museum Garden’s Multangular Tower in York.

About this project
“The Wall of Light” was a 10-day program of digital live painting and animation performances and workshops. Every evening, the surface of the Museum Garden’s Multangular Tower was lit up with spontaneous visual improvisations by international artists and local community groups.
Alongside the Tagtool creators Matthias Fritz and Maki Dorninger, five artists from different backgrounds were invited to give their personal take on the tower. Luca Barcellona with his skillful calligraphy, wild and fluid Dieter Puntigam, designer and animator Martin Allais, the grande dame of Tagtool painting Frances Sander, and her husband Dima Berzon.
Apart from showing the cutting edge of the artistic use of the tool, the project aimed to break down the barriers between the performers and the audience. In daily open sessions visitors could try their hands on painting the tower. Furthermore, various community groups from York had received Tagtool training in workshops preceding the festival and presented their outcomes as part of the program.
In total, over a thousand people painted on the Tagtool during Illuminating York, and eleven local artists received in-depth training.
Booking inquiry
For questions regarding the Tagtool app, please visit the Tagtool support page.