Live visuals for expert talks at DeepSpace 8k

OMAi was invited to visually accompany an expert discussion and musical performances related to AI at Ars Electronica Festival 2024.

September 6, 2024
Linz, AT
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Photos by Nina Danninger
Since 2017, the Ars Electronica Center has been utilizing Tagtool in their immersive projection room, Deep Space 8k, for workshops and presentations.

At Ars Electronica Festival 2024, OMAi was invited by JKU Robopsychology Lab and IDC to visually accompany an expert discussion and musical performances related to AI from a social perspective at the DeepSpace. The live visualization using Tagtool was performed by Matthias Fritz and Markus Dorninger of OMAi.

Expert Talks
  • Martina Mara, LIT Robopsychology Lab
  • Doris Schmidauer, Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht
  • Ulrike Domany-Funtan, fit4internet
  • Ivona Brandic, TU Vienna
  • Sabine Köszegi, TU Vienna & IDC member
  • Kathrin Meyer, LIT Robopsychology Lab

Musical Performances
  • A Liadl, ans üwa KI by Blonder Engel
  • Hi AI (134 TWh) by Yasmo featuring Flip
  • G’stanzln - Singing Against a Patriarchal AI by Dominika Meindl and Martina Mara together with Sabine T. Köszegi, Julia Zukrigl (Women in AI), Silke Grabinger and musical support by HP Falkner (Attwenger)
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