Tagtool station at Nauke Science Festival Belgrade
OMAi hosted a Tagtool station at the Serbian Science Fair in Belgrade, where thousands of students had the opportunity to try their hand at projection painting.

In December 2017 the Serbian Science Festival Nauke invited OMAi to host a public Tagtool session at the Belgrade Fair. Markus and Josef of the OMAi team set up a panorama projection with two Tagtool stations.
The festival had over 30.000 visitors and it seemed like of good part of them found their way to the Tagtool station. Thanks to the fantastic support of our volunteer helpers we managed to keep everything under control for four extremely busy days in a row, nine hours a day.
It was an ever-changing, colourful explosion of animated doodles, paintings and handwritten texts. Our visitors especially enjoyed taking photos next to their creations.